Hellgate Bridge
East River
Astoria, Queens, NYC

This site contains Song Lyrics that I have written over the years.
These Lyrics are grouped into categories shown as "Stories". They are:
- Lyric Stories
- Picture Stories
- Poem Stories
Each Lyric category has its own page with the individual Lyrics listed in alphabetical order. To read a Lyric, just click on the title.
"Stories" seem to make Lyrics more interesting and entertaining...at least I hope so. The Lyrics in the different categories vary in certain characteristics and techniques but every "Story" offers its own singular perspective and quality that lets it stand on its own merit.
You will find a more detailed explanation of the specific category at the top of each page. In all cases, my goal is to make each and every Lyric unique and memorable.
With the quantity and variety of Lyrics presented here, I am confident that you will find a work that complements your music and enhances the overall quality of the song. And if you think any changes are needed, I would be happy to revise the Lyric to make it work better with your music.
I offer my Lyrics free of charge up front. We can discuss any financial terms if we should be so lucky to arrive at that point in the future.
For everyone's protection, I require that you obtain my written permission before using any of my work.
You can reach out to me with any questions or requests at my contact info below.
Please enjoy my work.